Thursday, December 22, 2011


There is a time that comes and you find yourself thinking, after taking pictures for so long, why am I taking so many pictures?

The simplest answer is......

 I am obsessed.

It's a healthy obsession.

At least I am not killing my self with some kind of something.

I may be killing my finger with constant "clicking" ( I am not joking my right index finger hurts sometimes when it rains.)

 I walk with eyes wide OPEN.

 I am in love with the process.

The searching.

The scooping out  details of all things around me.

 I bend down, I look under, I jump up, I stand on chairs, and I sit still.

 I breathe.

Holding my camera in my hand is security for me.

 I feel strong and mighty.  I feel purpose flowing through my veins to my heart.

 I feel satisfied.

 In today's world this feeling is hard to find.

 There is so much in the way. 

 So many opinions, so many pictures floating around that one has to wonder will they all be seen.

 There are an amazing supply of beautiful pictures.

 Every where I look I can find one; the net, a gallery, TV, in a book, on a card, in a home, on an iphone, in a store....

 It's phenomenal to witness this time in photography and the human need to document it journey.  

Not only unique experiences,
 but the everyday experience.

  The day in and day out experience of being alive.

This is what Open Life Studio is all about.  This is the heartbeat of its life force.
  The beauty in "EVERYDAY LIVING."

I am obsessed with documenting the moment, this moment, that moment that we all take for granted and may not realize.  It is what makes our life if we only take the time to look.  It's the moments that adds up to days, that add up to months, and eventually to years.
  It is this that I am obsessed with.  
These moments are beauty, that is the meaning of life.  

OPEN LIFE STUDIO is ..........
fine art photography in everyday living...
my studio is OPEN for those who want to or need to take a moment and take it all in...
if only for a moment-
 one moment 
can change your life-
if you
let it.

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